Your stay at Nowra Private Hospital
Nowra Private Hospital offers a high standard of accommodation with both shared and private rooms. All rooms have air conditioning and ensuite facilities, single rooms have a private ensuite. Accommodation is shared in the High Dependency Unit. While we will make every attempt to provide you with your accommodation preference, please understand that in certain circumstances of high activity or acute admissions, it may be necessary to offer you a shared room. If your preference is not available at the time of admission, we will endeavour for your request to be met as soon as possible.
Call Button
Should you require anything at anytime, please do not hesitate to call the nursing staff via the nurse call button located in the bedside handset. Our staff will endeavour to answer the call as quickly as possible.
Local clergy visit Nowra Private Hospital regularly. If you wish to arrange a visit, please indicate this on your pre-admission forms. Your own clergy person is very welcome – please ask the nursing staff to arrange a visit.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs Liaison Officer
We have a DVA liaison officer who is happy to be contacted. Please ask your nurse who will assist you to contact them. There is also a DVA notice board located outside the Executive Office.
A DVA representative visits the hospital on a weekly basis to visit DVA patients.
We welcome and appreciate any suggestions and invite you to complete our patient feedback cards as your comments assist us in our evaluation of our efforts to continually improve and adapt our service to meet your needs. This card can be found on your bedside table, if not please ask the nursing staff. You may also receive a patient satisfaction survey on admission, we also encourage you to complete this survey prior to discharge. We value your feedback as it enables us to continually improve the service we provide to you and your families.
Any problems experienced while you are in hospital can easily be settled during your stay. Please do not leave our hospital with an unresolved problem. Ask to speak with the Nursing Unit Manager who will be more than happy to address any concerns you may have. Alternatively, you can contact a member of the executive team.
Available on request.
Lost Property
Each ward has a nominated area for property inadvertently left by patients. Please contact the appropriate ward to gain information regarding any missing belongings.
Mail, fax
Patients can send and receive mail and faxes (fax no: (02) 4421 8899). Mail received after you leave will be forwarded to your home address.
Our Catering Department prepares a variety of top quality, fresh meals. Menus will be provided each morning from which you may select meals according to your taste, dietary requirements and your doctor’s orders. Consultations with dieticians can be arranged should you have any special dietary needs.
Meal times are as follows (approximate):
Breakfast 8.00am
Morning Tea 10.00am
Lunch 12.00pm
Afternoon Tea 2:00pm
Dinner 5.00pm
Mobile phones
When you are admitted please ask our staff if mobiles can be used in your room. Mobiles may be used in all public areas including the coffee shop. Nowra Private Hospital does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your mobile phone.
Newspapers and magazines
Newspapers and magazines can be purchased daily, please ask nursing staff.
For your convenience, visitors can park on hospital grounds at any time, free of charge. In the event that the car park is full, parking is also available in the surrounding streets.
Nowra Private Hospital is a totally smoke free environment, this means that cigarette smoking inside the hospital buildings and on the hospital grounds is not permitted. Whilst we appreciate your desire to co-operate with this policy, we recognise the difficulties some individuals may face in either ceasing or reducing their smoking in order to comply whilst a patient in the hospital. The hospital will provide you with medically prescribed nicotine replacement products if authorised by your doctor, during you hospitalisation.
We recommend you consult your GP prior to coming to Nowra Private Hospital if you have any concerns regarding our policy.
Tea/Coffee facilities
Tea and coffee making facilities are available for close family members/carers upon request.
All rooms have a bedside telephone. Local calls are complimentary. $10 phone cards are available at reception during business hours for STD and International calls.
There is a remote controlled television next to every bed. Use of the television is complimentary. Both free-to-air and a range of pay-tv channels are available.
We strongly advise that you do not bring valuables such as jewellery. The hospital does not take responsibility for loss or damage to personal items or valuables. Mobile phones are not permitted for use within the hospital. Small items can be lodged in the hospital safe. This safety deposit facility is available at your request and arrangements for deposits may be made through with reception staff during normal reception hours. Do not leave items and cash unattended in your room.
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